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St Paul’s Catholic Primary School

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At St Paul’s, we understand that making the transition into primary school is a very important step in the life of a child and their family.

We are committed to ensuring that the transition period is as smooth and enjoyable as possible through our transition programme. Filled with activities and opportunities to meet new peers, teachers and settle in their new environment, our reputable transition programme begins the moment your child is offered a place.

Our transition programme not only ensures that every child and family is well prepared for their next chapter but allows our soon-to-be pupils to feel excited and comfortable come September. It also allows us to get to know your child personally: their interests, passions and personalities, enabling us to support them in finding their potential. 

At every stage of their education and journey with us, pupils are supported; from the moment they join through each key stage, up until we prepare them for secondary school. If you have any queries, please contact the school office.