School Houses
Each child is assigned to a House for their school career. Each week children are rewarded for house points for outstanding behaviour, achievement, effort, manners, etc. At the end of each week the House with the most points is announced at the Celebration Assembly.
Each child will be assigned to one of the following houses -
St Oscar Romero (Red Team)
St Oscar Romero was born in El Salvador in 1917 and died on 24th March 1980. His feast day is 24th March. St Oscar Romero was a special man that stood up for poor c communities and spoke our against injustice. He was assassinated whilst saying mass in 1980. Romero is remembered for his courage, his faith and his great love for the poor.
St Leo (Green Team)
St Leo (c. 400 - 461) became the Bishop of Rome (The Pope) on 29th September 440. In 452, Leo I peacefully convinced Attila the Hun not to destroy and plunder Rome. This made him a legendary figure in Italy. Leo also wrote many scholarly books. One of them, a "Tome" on the Nature of Christ, was read out to both the Roman Emperor and to the Patriarch of Constantinople. Afterwards, they followed Leo's recommendations, and officially accepted certain religious matters, and rejected others. These decisions had many political implications, in many areas of the Eastern Roman Empire, for centuries to come. His feast day is 10th November.
St Cecilia (Blue Team)
St Cecilia is the patroness of musicians. At her wedding she "sang in her heart to the Lord". Her feast day is celebrated in the 22nd November. She is one of seven women, excluding the Blessed Virgin, commemorated by name in the Canon of the Mass. While the details of her story appear to be fictional, her existence and martyrdom are considered a historical fact. An early Roman Christian church, Santa Cecilia, was founded in the fourth century in the Trastevere section of Rome, reputedly on the site of the house in which she lived. A number of musical compositions are dedicated to her, and her feast day has become the occasion for concerts and musical festivals.
St Teresa of Calcutta (Yellow Team)
St Teresa was born in 1910 and died in 1997. Her feast day is 5th September. St Teresa helped the unwanted, the unloved and the uncared for in Calcutta, now known as Kolkata, in India. She founded the order, The Missionaries of Charity, to look after abandoned babies and to help the poorest of the poor. Her good work has spread throughout the world. St Teresa always carried a rosary.