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St Paul’s Catholic Primary School

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Our Governors

 The Federation of St Paul and St Martin of Porres Catholic Primary Schools 


Ms Susan Bartlett Chair of Governors & Foundation Governor

Ms Bartlett was appointed by the Diocese on 1st March 2018 and her current term of office is due to end on 31st August 2025.  Ms Bartlett became Chair of Governors for the Federation in September 2021.  She is a retired Headteacher of 15 years who now works as a tutor/chaperone in film and theatre.  She has lived in London for 5 years after moving from the North West and has recently become a proud grandparent. 

Mrs Rosemary Kilbride Associate Governor
Mrs Kilbride has been involved with primary education in Haringey for more than forty years. She is a parishioner of St Paul the Apostle church, Wood Green.  She was appointed as a Foundation Governor in September 2021 and upon retiring she is continuing to assist the school as an Associate Governor.
Mrs Annette Gossett Foundation Governor/BAME & SEN Link Governor
Mrs Gossett worked for many years as a graphic designer and university lecturer. In addition, she has taught in a variety of schools and is currently teaching Media, Game Design and Art at a Further Education College. Her three sons all went to St Paul's. She has been a governor since 1997.  Her term of office will end in 2025.
Fr Perry Sykes Foundation Governor
Fr Perry is the Parish Priest of St Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in Wood Green.  He was appointed by the Diocese on 29th October 2015 and his term of office is due to end in October 2025.
Mrs Grace Sylvester Foundation Governor/Safeguarding Link Governor
Mrs Sylvester has been a governor at St Paul's since 1989,  She has served as Chair of Governors on three separate occasions and seen through the last three Ofsted inspections as Chair.   She was a former Processing Operations Manager for the Housing Benefits Section and then Head of Corporate Complaints in a London Local Authority.  She has three grown-up children who all attended St Paul’s and her grandson has just started there.   Having just been appointed to the Federation in 2021, her term of office will end in 2025. 
Ms Claire Whitney Foundation Governor
Ms Whitney became a foundation governor on 1st April 2024.
Mr Rob Myrvold Staff Governor
Mr Myrvold is currently the Year 4 teacher at St Paul's.  
Mr Nicholas Dickson Parent Governor

Mr Dickson previously worked in digital advertising. He has two children that both attend St Paul's.  Mr Dickson was appointed as Parent Governor in November 2021 and his term of office is due to end on October 2025.

Ms Arianna Magrini Parent Governor & Vice Chair
Ms Magrini has one child currently attending St Martin of Porres.  She was appointed Parent Governor in November 2021 and her term of office is due to end in October 2025.
Mrs Sarah McLaughlin Assistant Headteacher & Associate Governor
Mrs McLaughlin joined the Federation as an Assistant Headteacher in September 2023.
Mrs Andrea Smith Head of Schools
Mrs Smith was appointed Head of Schools for the Federation on 1st January 2025
Mrs Noirin Moloney Co-opted Governor
Mrs Moloney is currently a Teaching Assistant at St Martin of Porres.  She has four children all whom are former pupils.  
Ms Sinead Egan Local Authority Governor
Ms Vanessa Owusu Clerk
Ms Owusu, who is employed by Haringey, became Clerk to the Governors in the Autumn of 2023.