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St Paul’s Catholic Primary School

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Curriculum Intent


The curriculum is at the heart of everything we do in our busy learning environment. At St Paul’s, we continually strive to challenge our children to achieve their full potential and we believe that a broad, balanced curriculum with rigorous standards is central to this.  Central to all we do in school is the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, intellectual, physical and creative development of the children. Alongside the content and delivery of the formal curriculum is all the content which further develop children's skills and personal attributes. We try to draw very explicit links between real life experiences and what the children are learning in class. 

A carefully balanced programme of teaching the National Curriculum subjects is maintained and we seek to deliver a creative programme of study. The organisation of the teaching aims to develop the whole child and to show links between the various subject areas. It incorporates class, group and individual teaching where appropriate. Children are encouraged to work responsibly and collaboratively with their peers. The variety of styles, together with careful planning and the good use of resources, motivates children’s learning and encourages interest, enquiry and inventiveness.

Subjects delivered include Religious Education, English, Maths, Science, Computing, PE, Geography, History, Music, Art, Design Technology, Spanish, PSHE (Personal Social Health) and Citizenship. These subjects may be taught separately or as cross-curricular themes to individual, groups or whole classes of children. We have a long-term curriculum map in place to ensure that all the requirements of the National Curriculum are met. The teachers in each Key Stage all plan and work closely together to ensure all our children receive a creative, variety and cross-circular curriculum.

The National Curriculum

The school follows the National Curriculum for Years 1 - 6.  Key Stage 1 consists of Years 1 and Year 2.  Key Stage 2 consists of Years 3 to Year 6.

National Curriculum – click here