Art & Music
He who works with his hands is a labourer. He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman. He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist.
- Saint Francis of Assisi
At St. Paul’s we believe that all pupils can achieve in Art and Design; that high-quality Art lessons will inspire children to think innovatively and develop their creative procedural understanding. Our Art curriculum provides our children with opportunities to develop their skills using a range of media and materials. Our pupils learn the skills of drawing, painting, printing, collage, textiles, 3D work and digital art and they are given the opportunity to explore and evaluate different creative ideas. Through being introduced to a range of works our children develop a knowledge of the styles and vocabulary used by famous artists. The skills they acquire are applied to their cross-curricular topics, allowing our children to use their art skills to reflect on and explore topics in greater depth.
It is paramount that art work be purposeful; be this as a means of expression or to explore the styles of other artists that inspire our own work. Pupils should be clear what the intended outcomes are and have a means to measure their own work against this. In Art, children are expected to be reflective and evaluate their work, thinking about how they can make changes and develop their mastery of Art and Design techniques. Above all, we want our children to view themselves as artists and to recognise the positive impact that art can have on their mental wellbeing and development as well-rounded, creative people.
Holly (Year 5)
At St Paul’s Catholic Primary School, we aim to encourage children of all abilities to develop their love and passion for music. If you take a walk around St Paul’s, you will see many aspects of music taking place. The children take part in a church choir, perform in our local community at supermarkets and care homes and perform in whole school assemblies. Many of our children are confident to perform solos, duets or in small groups in class assemblies, nativities or whole class productions. Our children are passionate to learn one or two instruments in individual lessons such as piano and guitar with specialist teachers. Our Year 4 class have the opportunity to learn the trumpet or clarinet led by our Haringey music service. Each year, our children love to showcase their range of musical talents to an audience of parents.
In class sessions, either via Charanga, taught by the class teacher, or via Wider Opportunities, taught by specialist teachers, children appreciate, respect or discuss the dimensions of music through listening and appraising activities. Children develop their musical skills (finding the pulse, listening and playing back a rhythm, improvisation, internalising etc.) through games based around their topic’s genre/song. Children’s learning is developed further through composition and performing (through voice, body percussion, percussion instruments, tuned instruments or musical technology).
St Paul's Music Development Plan for 2024 - 2025
Music Lessons
Music lessons are available in School through the Haringey Music Service.
If you would like your child to start instrumental lessons in school, they will need to be added to a waiting list. Once a space becomes available, or there is enough demand to start a new lesson, you will receive an invoice from Haringey.
The invoice will show the name of the teacher and any reductions which you may be able to apply for. Your child’s name will be entered on the register when you have replied with appropriate payment, and/or proof of eligibility for reductions. Haringey Music Service monitors the waiting list and keeps it as short as possible.
Many of the lessons don’t begin until pupils are in Year 2. You are still welcome to apply if your children are younger, but they may remain on the waiting list until they reach a suitable age.
Please go to the Haringey Music Service website here for more information on what instruments they currently offer lessons on and the current costs.